Bleed Through Our Throats
Choices don’t exist for as long as they’re forbidden. “Shut up and sit” becomes a life sentence. Watch the world fall apart beneath your feet. There’s no point in turning this narrative sweet. Let’s face it, there’s a gun pointed to our heads. They’re itching to silence us, making sure every corpse stays dead. It’s a blood bath and they’re excited. Murder is a command, not a condition, ready to be incited.
Watch their fingers run through everyone’s, grabbing us while screaming all sorts of dares. Don’t bother to play by the rules knowing they won’t play fair. They want us to lose while we’re still in the chilling effect. They want us brainwashed, leaving no room for us to reject. Expositions become authorless, accusations are thrown into the emptiness, criticism is shredded to nothingness—the proof swept under the rug crumble to dust under the weight of carelessness.
Don’t be fooled, no one is spared. Don’t be swayed, their words are just as meaningless as how much they care. Don’t be scared, save your strength for when we call for flares. Open your eyes, the sky has always been red. “Change is coming” was their promise, but it’s not happening like they said. They won’t give the downtrodden money, rice, nor bread. They won’t give options for those who don’t want the virus to spread. The kids who once played in the streets are now dead. Here we are with the consequences of their lies, drowning in the tears that should’ve never been shed.
We’ve been here before. We’ve had a history of seizing the streets. We’ve had the wrath of revolutions in our blood ever since intruders have landed on our shores. We’ve fought for freedom under every kind of heat. We’ll do it again, an encore to end it all. In our hands, the powerful dogs will fall. They’ll try to resist the power of the people as we force them to crawl. Unfortunately for them, forgiveness is under our freedom of speech. Let’s watch them regret signing that dumb little law, because mercy is too late to reach. This time, their punishment is our lesson to teach.
Why keep waiting until we can no longer remain in stasis? Why keep wondering how all of this has any valuable basis? To be idle is an idea we’ll never insist. Our words are grounds that could be used to charge us with cease-and-desist. The handcuffs on our conversation still persist, leaving us to struggle and resist. Do we cower in fear, or rise to the call of action? They’ll find ways to twist our intentions, but these are all attempts at giving false implications. Do we water down our rage for these silly distractions? No, we should not wait for any more destruction.
Keep every waking second close to your heart. In seconds, suspicion could tear our family and friends apart. We are siblings, not by blood, but by our dreams of a fresh start.
The truth is fading, but we’ll make sure it is not left unknown. Nothing will stop progress from bleeding through our throats.